Video index
1. Call to Order
2. Special Presentations and Recognitions
3. Audience for Guests
4. Non-Action Items for Discussion
5. Consent Agenda
6. Items for Discussion and/or Action
7. Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government Code, Including but Not Limited to Section C 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney; 551.072 - Real Property; 551.074 - Personnel Matters; 551.076 - Security Devices; 551.082 - School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821 - Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084 - Investigation
8. Reconvene in Open Meeting for Possible Action Regarding Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
Nov 07, 2024 School Board Meeting- Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Special Presentations and Recognitions
3. Audience for Guests
4. Non-Action Items for Discussion
5. Consent Agenda
6. Items for Discussion and/or Action
7. Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government Code, Including but Not Limited to Section C 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney; 551.072 - Real Property; 551.074 - Personnel Matters; 551.076 - Security Devices; 551.082 - School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821 - Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084 - Investigation
8. Reconvene in Open Meeting for Possible Action Regarding Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
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